Custom Unions

Custom Design Rotary Union

Euler's product innovation team focuses on making the best solution in the shortest time possible. We provide rapid design and manufacturing services to ensure our new project solutions process for custom rotary unions and swivel joints put our customers at the center of our schedule. Our streamlined custom engineered innovation cycle ensures your project moves quickly and seamlessly from the concept to prototype production. We specialize in “impossible deadlines” and work hard to ensure your satisfaction.


Product Request

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Euler Product Recommendation Form

MediaProductsSize RangeMax PressureMax Temperature
Oxygen ES-14116-01-00-01 1" NPT LH  150 10.3  225  107 
ES-14124-01-00-01 1-1/2" NPT LH  150 10.3  225 107
Cerox ES-13306-17-00-01 3/8"  150 10.3  225 107